2025 National Native

HIV/AIDS Awareness

Day Powwow

Event Information

To view the event information, please click on the button below.

Vendors Apply HERE!

Vendors Apply HERE!

Come booth at our event!

Get started on your 2025 National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Powwow Vendor application here. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. We look forward to having you at our event.

Vendor Information

    • Food Vendors.......….....………….......................$600

    • For-Profit (Non-Single Owners).....$600

    • For-Profit (Single Owners).....…........*$300

    • Non-Profit (Unverified).…….....................$100

    • Non-Profit (Verified).…...............................FREE

    • Sponsors (For-Profit).....................….........FREE

    • Sponsors (Non-Profit)...........…................FREE

    *We're aware that the current economic climate is impacting many businesses, including our communities' businesses who are under single ownership.  To show our support, we're offering a discount on our booth fees. Please contact us at info@indigenouspridela.org prior to starting this application if you have any questions or would like to take advantage of this offer.

  • ​Information

    • Vendor spaces are limited on a first come first serve bases.

    • Booth spaces are standard 10 ft. x 10 ft. Any additional spaces needed will be an extra application fee respective to your vendor category.

    • Vendors must bring their own setup supplies and materials (ie., tables and chairs).

    • ALL vendors are required to have a hand sanitizer pump bottle displayed at their booths for public use. Refilling of the hand sanitizer bottle is the responsibility of the vendor. Failure to do will result in leaving the event with NO refund.

    • Tap to Pay POS (Point of Sale) systems and other wireless/cashless transaction methods are highly preferred to help combat the pandemic.

    1. We prioritize Two Spirit, Indigiqueer, Native American, Indigenous, & LGBTQPAI+ applicants. As such, we are collecting vendor data to ensure that our event is for the communities we serve. If you are not part of or service any of the communities we prioritize, we encourage you to apply to other exquisite events in and around Los Angeles County. Thank you for your understanding.

    2. No selling of plant, herbal, or other forms of medicines. Indigenous Pride LA is supporting Indigenous lead efforts of eradicating the profiting and extraction of sacred medicines across all communities. Vendors who are found to be selling of such medicines will have their applications void. No refunds will be given.

    3. This is a Two Spirit, Indigiqueer, and Indigenous LGBTQPAI+-centered event. Any vendors found to be harassing, assaulting, or otherwise causing harm to the community will have their applications void, no refunds given, and BANNED from any future Indigenous Pride LA sponsored events.

    4. No drugs or alcohol allowed at the event.

    5. Only leashed dogs will be allowed at the event.

Get Involved

  • Volunteer Application

    Want to volunteer and help staff the 2025 National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Powwow?

    Adult volunteers (ages 18+)

    Download this form, complete it, and then click on the button below.

    Youth volunteers (ages 12-17)

    Have your parent/guardian download this form, have them complete it, and then have them click the button below.

  • Sponsor Our Event!

    Want to become a sponsor for our 2025 National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Powwow?

  • Learn About HIV

    We all know that HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. But what happens if one doesn’t get treatment? Can I protect myself against HIV? Learn more by visiting the website below.

  • Learn About National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Native HIV Resources

    The Indian Health Service is the leading national provider of HIV and STI care for the Native communities. Learn about other HIV and STI resources, locations, and services across NDN country and beyond.