Expand Your Knowledge

Education: Why Pronouns Matter?

Why should I care?

Using peoples' correct pronouns is about respecting yourself, respecting others, respecting your communities, and respecting the environment you are at or trying to create. Pronouns affirm gender identities and create safer spaces by referring to people in the way that feels true to them.​

People, especially the youth and our children, need to have safer, welcoming, and affirming spaces, experiences, and livelihoods.

Types of pronouns to know:

Demonstrative Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns

Indefinite Pronouns

Interrogative Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns (used in place of a specific person or thing) are she, her, he, him, they, their, ze, zir and more.


"My cheii sang one of his songs that his grandfather taught him."

"Uŋčí showed her shawl to the family that she inherited from her mother."

"The taco vendor cooked all of their foods that they prepped and people thanked them."

"My relative bought blankets for zir niblings and ze was excited. Gift giving is zirs specialty."

Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns (refers to another noun or pronoun within the same sentence) end in -self or -selves.


"My cheii introduced himself to the audience."

"Uŋčí was proud of herself for showing family heirlooms."

"The taco vendor and their family keep their delicious recipes to themselves.

"My relative finally got a day to relax to zirself."

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns (distinguishing one thing from another) are this, that, these, those.


"This beaded necklace belongs to that woman."

"These frybread are for those dancers."

Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns (unspecified things that are counted or unable to be counted) are some-any-every-, or no- in combination with -thing-one-where, or -body​​.


"Someone ate everything in refrigerator. Who is it?"

"A vacation anywhere is fine with everybody."

Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns (asks a questions) are who, what, when, where, or why.


"Who is that person?"

"Why did tewá:ken by that and where did he by it at?

"Notonanan! What ceremony are we going to and where is it at?”