Support Our Efforts
Support Our Efforts
You can help our efforts in creating change and culture by donating to us.
Reminder that Indigenous Pride LA is for the community, by the community. As such, the more donations and other assistance we can get, the better our events will be.
Below are ways that you can donate to us.
Online Donation
If you would like to submit a one time or recurring online donation, visit our Donation page from our fiscal sponsor.
*There’s an extra fee called a “Cover fee". It is optional and you can slide the donation amount to 0%. Think of it like a tip for our fiscal sponsor, Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, if you’d like to leave one. It takes adds a percentage of your donation to Indigenous Pride LA and gives it to Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples.
Money Orders & Checks
If you are looking to donate via check or money order, please make it out to the address below:
Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples
C/O Indigenous Pride LA
P.O. Box 5248
Eureka, CA 95502-5248
Sponsor ✩
Sponsorship Opportunities
Why give?
You can help our efforts in creating change and culture by donating to us. Reminder that Indigenous Pride LA is for the community, by the community. As such, the more donations and other assistance we can get, the better our events will be. Below are ways that you can sponsor us.
Sponsorship Tiers
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
Regular Logo Placement on website and event materials
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
Regular Logo Placement on website and event materials
Thank you Letter from Indigenous Pride LA Committee
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
+Enhanced (more prominent logo) Placement on website and event materials
Thank you Letter from Indigenous Pride LA Committee
Verbal acknowledgement and recognition of sponsorship at events
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
+Enhanced (more prominent logo) Placement on website and event materials
Thank you Letter from Indigenous Pride LA Committee
Verbal acknowledgement and recognition of sponsorship at events
Social Media campaign highlighting the sponsor
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
++Prime (top-tier logo) Placement on website and event materials
Thank you Letter from Indigenous Pride LA Committee
Verbal acknowledgement and recognition of sponsorship at events
Social Media campaign highlighting the sponsor
Run an ad on Indigenous Pride LA website (for one week) and at the event
Benefits & Perks:
Early invite to Indigenous Pride LA event (annual in October)
Waived vendor application fees for Indigenous Pride LA event.
++Prime (top-tier logo) Placement on website and event materials
Thank you Letter from Indigenous Pride LA Committee
Verbal acknowledgement and recognition of sponsorship at events
Social Media campaign highlighting the sponsor
Run an ad on Indigenous Pride LA website (for one week) and at the event
Invitation for a representative to speak at an Indigenous Pride LA event
Sponsorship FAQs
Easy. Just click on our donate button on the top menu or click here.
If you have entered your details into the donation portal’s “Your Information” section, our Treasurer or another representative from Indigenous Pride LA will reach out to you. If you have not received a confirmation from us, please contact us.
If you have any questions about any donations, feel free to contact our fiscal sponsor Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc. here.
Yes. It is possible to setup a recurring sponsorship with us via our fiscal sponsor’s donation portal. Be sure to toggle “Monthly” on and make your donation. If you have any questions about any donations, feel free to contact our fiscal sponsor Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, Inc. here.
Thank you for you donations!
Thank you for you donations!
Your donations will help in our efforts to reclaim, decolonize, and create Two Spirit, Indigiqueer, and Indigenous LGBTQPAI+ spaces.